
Frequently Asked Questions!

Contact Questions

Contact my agency at mysticat@mythictalent.com!
Contact me at youtube@mysticat.live!

"How do I contact you about (thing)?"
social media, email, or discord!

"Why didn't you respond to me???"
i'm very sorry to hear that! D: I try to respond to everyone, but sometimes people accidentally get skipped. If you sent me "hi" or "can i ask a question?" or something baity like that I will assume its spam.

"Can you shout me out?"
if you want me to read out your name come to a twitch stream!

"Will you collab with me?"
if we're not friends, probably not. However, if you have a super cool idea always message me anyways!

Minecraft Questions

"How long have you been playing Minecraft?"
i've played since it was free in the browser in 2009!

"What mods do you use?"
Axiom, Boosted Brightness, Entity Culling, Inventory Sorter, Flashback, LazyDFU, Lithium, Mod Menu, Nvidium, Raised, Sodium, WI Zoom, & WorldEdit! :D

"Will you make a public server?"
probably not again. The previous one took a lot of work to manage and constantly caused drama.

"What are your PC Specs?"
pcpartpicker redirect

YouTube Questions

"What does 'mewo' mean?"
its "meow" mispelled.

"How long have you been making videos?"
i started uploading videos to YouTube in 2008, but have been making home films since maybe 2005!

"Why did you choose the name Mysticat?"
my name is misty and I like magic and cats so: misty + mystical + cat = mysticat!

"Can you give me youtube advice?"
of course! If ur video isn't getting views there is ALWAYS a reason, it is not "The Algorithm" hating you. If u make a video that people want to click and watch to the end, it will ALWAYS get views after it finds it's audience!
Maybe your concept isn't interesting? Maybe your packaging doesn't flow into the video? Maybe your video gets boring? Maybe the target audience is just not very big?

"Who drew your graphics??"
emotes - thatlazyrat & crustery
vtuber - mary_artoo
all other graphics - me!

"What programs do you use?"
recording - OBS
editing - Adobe Premiere Pro
graphics - Adobe Photoshop
motion Graphics - Adobe After Effects
coding - IntelliJ, VSCode, GameMaker Studio 2, np++
audio - Audacitry, Adobe Audition, & jsfxr
music - FL Studio, MuseScore4, & FamiTracker

"Why do you make downloads only for donators?"
because people love to steal my creations and take credit for them :(
its only $5 for access to all downloads tho!

"What is your cursor?"
mario cursor

Personal Questions

"When will you Face Reveal?"
maybe in the future but for now i am not interested!

"How old are you?"
26! I was born in January, 1998

"What is your real name?"
Misty Melissa McAllister!

"What is your identity?"
i'm non-binary and like guys! "androsexual demigirl" is the specific term for it (she/they).

"Do you have a pet?"
i have a big orange cat named Snufalopagus! He is very silly and old and grumpy and also silly.

"Why do you hate dogs?"
while this is mostly a joke, I do genuinely dislike dogs. They freak me out and i don't like to be near them :p

"What are your favorite colors?"
keppel, grape, aqua, pumpkin, lime, black, & white in that order!

"Who are your favorite creators?"
i mostly watch SimpleFlips, Vinny Vinesauce, Jerma, Fir, oddheader, GMTK, & Wirtual! (i don't really watch any Minecraft)

"What are your favorite anime?"
here's my anime list!

"What are your favorite movies?"
top 3 are Zootopia, Redline, & Scott Pilgrim!

"What are your favorite shows?"
top 5 are probably SpongeBob, Chowder, MLP, Castlevania, & Arcane!

"What are your favorite games?"
Minecraft, Smash, 3D Marios, Toby Fox Games, Halo 3/Reach, Ocarina of Time, Pokemon Emerald, Awesomenauts, and pretty much anything on N64/GC!

"What are your favorite Pokemon?"
ordered top 10: Snorlax, Braixen, Sylveon, Forretress, Gengar, Poliwhirl, Goodra, Eevee, Aegislash, & Falinks!

"Are you a furry?"
yes, I love anthropomorphic animals! It's not my fault people make it weird though :p

"Do you have a Ref Sheet for your fursona?"
click Fan-Art at the top of the page!

"Are you okay with using your character/voice for AI?"
as long as you specify that it's AI and im not made to say anything inappropriate it doesn't bother me. DO NOT use artists' art of me for ai training without their consent.